Is Gratitude Magical — How?

Dr. Saloni Singh
2 min readSep 20, 2017

What do you think about Gratitude? Is Gratitude Magical?

In order to answer this question, we first need to understand what is Gratitude in depth.

One of the simple way to understand gratitude is —

“It is not something you do, rather it is something you be.”

Gratitude is a state!

When we feel grateful, we are in an energy field of gratutude. Where our energy and aura is composed of thankfulness…for everything in our life. It’s not that we are thankful for one thing and resentful for other.

When something good happens to me, a good news, a kind gesture or support by a friend or a situation which is in alignment with my goals; it is easier to be thankful. In all these situations I can clearly see and believe that life is working for me.

While when I understand that my soul’s journey is for a higher purpose, for the purpose of my growth and evolution…to become pure, patient, compassionate, experience love and oneness with other souls; something extraordinary happens…

…as if I start seeing things clearly for the first time. I realise the situation that seemed too bad, people who hurt me, the accident, the separation, the disease, betrayal or divorce…all of it was only happening for my highest growth.

Because as in matter and our own body, where cells break, go through a regenerative process to grow; our soul also needs huge challenges to grow and evolve.

It’s only through our toughest struggles that we come out as stronger souls and even come close to the ultimate truth of ‘who we are’. Hence I can be in even more grateful for all these situations and people.

That is the “State of Gratitude”where I am grateful for everything, absolutely everything in life (including myself).

Also, it does not mean in any way, that we do not solve the problems or issues in our life, or we let people do whatever they want to do with us. Rather we become more in control of our emotions. We handle things in a better way, set healthy boundaries and resolve the issues rather than sweeping them under the rug any more.

And the best part is “We do not suffer while going through it all”.

We have an unwavering faith in life and know that Universe has our back. We feel that we are being supported and guided even in the middle of any life storm.

We might fall down in despair some times, but we know how to pick ourselves up and come back to the state of gratitude.

We are in a state of “loved unconditionally by the life”. Have you already started feeling the magical experience gratitude can bring?

Do share your experience in comments, I would love to hear from you.

Much Gratitude!



Dr. Saloni Singh

Saloni coaches leaders to help them connect with their highest self. A life & self-mastery coach from India, mom, dancer, podcaster, author & a lover of life.